The problems caused by missing teeth can have significant effects on your life; smiling, eating, kissing and speaking – can suddenly become very challenging and uncomfortable to manage. The search for quick solutions to missing teeth may lead to the use of dentures, but today we know that dentures usually result in more problems in the long run.

Modern dentistry has made unbelievable advances in the field of Implantology, treatment modalities have become predictable so that what Dr. Yoav Orbach now does on a routine basis was considerd nearly impossible just 20 years ago. You too can join our satisfied patients and receive new teeth in just one day. These new protocols some of which were developed by Dr. Yoav Orbachs’ teachers and mentors whom are world renowned clinicians and pioneers in implantology. Allow for less invasive, and faster surgery. This minimally invasive procedure results in us being able to restore your mouth with beautiful teeth immediately. Say goodbye to your ill-fitting temporary denture or the need to walk around completely toothless.
Most of our patients qualify for implants and Jerusalem teeth in a day. Before you begin treatment Dr. Yoav Orbach and his Jerusalem staff will evaluate and discuss your case with you thoroughly, to avoid your implants not taking properly due to medical or dental pre-existing conditions.
With Teeth in a day or same day implants as they are also known as, as with all implant procedures we perform at our Jerusalem clinic, we use a 3D CT Scan. We use cutting edge state of the art computer guided implant planning software such as Nobel Clinician to facilitate precise implant placement and design your ideal teeth. By the time we actually place the implants in your mouth Dr. Orbach has “performed” the surgery several times on the computer thus adding yto yor confidence in the procedure.
Teeth In a Day Jerusalem
Dr. Yoav Orbach performs Same day implant procedures to replace single missing teeth and even full arches of missing teeth in procedures called All-on-4, and All-on-6 minimally invasive surgeries. in almost all cases, our patients get their fixed teeth immediately after implant placement on the same day. Compared to traditional protocols, our patients are restored back to comfort health function and esthetics in less time and at a lower cost.

Do you need “Teeth in a Day”?
If you are missing teeth, have an old denture that is uncomfortable, or are just sick and tired of placing it in a glass of water every night, then our Jerusalem Teeth in a day is the right solution for you.
Are “Same Day Implants” right for you?
- Are you missing one or more teeth?
- Are your dentures don’t fit well or are uncomfortable?
- Have you been told your teeth will fall out?
- Do you suffer from Gum disease or Bone loss around your teeth?
- Do you have teeth that need to be extracted?
If you answered yes to one of the questions above, you most likely qualify for Jerusalem Teeth in a day.
You will enjoy the following :
- Fixed teeth in a day
- Shorter overall treatment time
- Financial savings compared to standard implant protocols
We Offer:
- Immediate esthetic and functional makeoverWhen implants are loaded and attached correctly to each other with fixed teeth, within 24 hrs of their placement, there is no need for standard old fashioned “waiting” of 4-6 Months for implants to heal without teeth.
- Preserving existing boneWhen choosing “Teeth in a Day”, we preserve your jawbone structure by placing implants immediately and preventing natural occurring bone loss that occurs after teeth have been extracted. Furthermore, in cases where you may have experienced severe bone loss, Jerusalem Same Day Implants are designed to maximize existing bone and this way avoid the need for expensive and extensive sometimes painful bone grafting procedures.
- Long Term SuccessNow with long term research and clinical results we can proudly stand behind this treatment option for esthetic and functional long term success.
Experience less discomfort and embarrassment with Jerusalem Same Day Implants.
- Financial SavingsWith Teeth in a Day we avoid the need for additional bone grafting procedures that can cause a significant increase in overall treatment costs.
Our ALL-on-4 , ALL-on-6 treatments can reduce overall costs by up to 33%, in comparison to standard loading protocols.
If you would like to find out more
Call us today to schedule an appointment!